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Queens Gambit Accepted - Part 1

Queens Gambit Accepted - Part 1
Queen's Gambit Accepted, explained
Boris Avrukh
Boris Avrukh

One of the foremost opening theoreticians of the modern era

The Queen's Gambit is one of the most famous and enduring openings in chess, known for its strategic depth and versatility. The opening is characterized by White's offer of a pawn on c4 in exchange for control of the center of the board. While there are many possible responses to this gambit, one of the most popular is the Queen's Gambit Accepted, in which Black captures the pawn on c4 with their own pawn. The Queen's Gambit Accepted has been a staple of high-level chess and remains an important weapon in the arsenal of many top players today. By accepting the gambit, Black gains a foothold in the center of the board and can quickly develop their pieces to put pressure on White's position. In this video, Grandmaster Boris Avrukh will explore the key principles and strategies behind the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and show you how to play it with confidence and precision.

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